How can Delete Spam mail's automatically in Gmail account.

Throughout the day, we get many such emails, which are of no use to us, these useless emails fill up your Gmail storage. If your inbox is also filled with useless emails, then don't worry now. Today we are going to tell you such a trick, by which all unnecessary emails will be deleted automatically and you will not have to waste time in deleting them separately.
You will be surprised to know that Gmail can automatically delete your unnecessary emails. This trick will prove to be a boon for such people who do not check inbox for many days. Let us tell you that Google only gives you 15GB of free space, which is for all Google accounts, which includes Gmail, Drive, Photos and more.

 Once the free cloud storage space is full, users have to pay Rs 1100 annually for 100GB. Those who don't want to spend money on it will have to delete some of their data to make room for incoming photos, emails and files. Well, there are many ways to easily delete unnecessary photos and videos, but here we will see how to make your Gmail automatically delete emails that are of no use to you. Let's start...
The name of this amazing feature of Gmail is 'Filters for Auto-Deletion', which is not only easily accessible but also easy to use. It does exactly what you want. Let us tell you how to use it...

 Gmail: How To Automatically Delete Unnecessary Emails, See Steps
Step 1: Open Gmail on your PC or Laptop.

 Step 2: In the search bar, you will see a filter icon. Just tap on it.
Note: If you do not see the icon, you will also find it in the 'Filters and blocked addresses' tab of the Settings section. After that, all you have to do is tap on the 'Create a new filter' button.)
Step 3: You will see that 'From' is written on the top. Simply enter the name or email address of emails that are not important. For example, if you don't want email from services like Zomato, Voot, Quora, Facebook, LinkedIn, you can simply enter their email id.
Note: Entering an email id is always better than a name because if one of your emails has the same name, Gmail can remove it as well. If you want Gmail to remove specific sender emails, enter full email ID.)

 Step 4: Once this is done, simply click on 'Create filter' and then select 'Delete it'.
Step 5: After this all you have to do is click on 'Create filter' again. Now your work is done.

 It should be noted that this feature does not delete all your old emails but all incoming emails. Once you've created a filter, your Gmail will automatically delete it. You can delete the filter you have created at any time. For this, simply go to Settings > Filters and Blocked Addresses. Here you will be able to edit or delete filters. This method will ensure that your Gmail is always clean.

 Gmail: How to delete old emails?\
You have to do it manually. But, don't worry, there is an easy way to delete most of the emails in one go. All you have to do is enter the name or email address in the search bar and Gmail will show all the emails you've received. Next, simply select the 'All' button at the top and click on the delete icon. This will help you delete hundreds of emails received from services like Swiggy, Zomato and other platforms.


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